
Declare Your Independence from Clutter

July 4th is Independence Day in the United States. Using that as a theme, I challenge you to declare your independence from clutter.

What does that mean? It means putting yourself on the path to clutter freedom! What that looks like is unique to you. But here are some suggestions for where to start.

Physical clutter

A problem for many of us. Paper clutter, such as mail for example.

For recurring bills such as utilities, or credit cards, sign up for electronic statements and automatic payments. This will not only eliminate the paper clutter, but it also helps ensure your bills are paid on time. You can even set up email or text reminders for payment as needed. When doing so be cautious about creating digital clutter in lieu of the paper clutter you eliminated.

Junk mail is a different matter. We often end up on mailing lists with no rhyme or reason. Contact the sender and ask to be removed from future solicitations. This will at least reduce, if not eliminate, the volume of junk mail. I also recommend shredding anything in said mail that contains your personal information, such as your address or account number. These are some simple steps towards freedom from physical clutter.

Digital clutter

Another issue many of us must deal with. Smart phones being a convenient example.

Take a hard look at your device and delete apps that you have not used in some time. Run the battery and device care feature in your settings to free up space. Restart your device on some type of schedule and run updates as needed. These are simple things you can do on your path to freedom from digital clutter.

Decluttering the various aspects of our lives can be simple. Again, I challenge you to declare your independence from clutter.