
Unexpected Gifts for Christmas

As December winds to a close I wish everyone reading this Happy Holidays!

I have an injury (broken foot) that has limited my mobility for several weeks but have discovered some Unexpected Gifts as I continue to heal.

One such Unexpected Gift is appreciation. That is, I have a much better appreciation for mobility in terms of walking and driving. Since I am supposed to keep my foot elevated as much as possible, I cannot walk much. Since I have a splint and protective boot I cannot drive either. Fortunately, my wife can take me where I need to go, so I appreciate her more than usual.

Another Unexpected Gift is simplicity. I enjoy Christmas and particularly like outdoor lights and lawn décor. My injury has restricted my ability to do much outdoors, including using a ladder. I therefore had to cherry pick only a few items that I could easily put out for decoration.

Each has special meaning to me and has the added benefit of a clean and simple yard presentation.

The final Unexpected Gift is organization. I have written about Christmas Clutter in the past. I have made progress with my garage clutter over the last few weeks. My lawn decorations are more organized since I could only put a handful out this year.

What Unexpected Gifts can you find in a less than ideal situation? My injury uncovered three for me. I leave you with a quote from Bill Keane, creator of The Family Circus:

“Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.”