Junk Mail of the Mind

Mental clutter can be present in mysterious ways. For me, receiving junk mail addressed to my dad unleashes a flood of memories. He died in November of 2016. When I see junk mail for him, it is like picking an emotional scab.


How do I get my mind out of the clutter?

Regarding the junk mail (physical clutter), I contact the sender through the return envelope, phone number, or website to alert them to stop sending mail. Be patient, this takes time. Then shred or recycle the actual mail.

Regarding the mental clutter, I focus on good memories of my dad. To clear my head, I will talk to my wife or daughters, sharing a specific event about my dad that only I know. This has the dual benefit of further processing his loss for me and bringing my family closer to my dad with a usually humorous memory.

Get that junk mail out of your house and your mind.