Piles of overwhelming paperwork stored in box

Paperwork—POOP or Valuable Lessons Learned

The two most time-consuming and mentally draining areas to declutter are books and paperwork. Two weeks ago, we let go of books. This week, we look at three areas of paperwork.

One thing we can do right now to get a grip on this highly unusual year is to control our clutter.

POOP on the Table, in the Corner, and in Boxes

It has been said, paperwork is the accumulation of decisions postponed. That’s one explanation of Piles of Overwhelming Paperwork (POOP). Some of us hold onto paperwork to revisit it later. My plan was to revisit my paperwork after I retire. However, if we heed the call of our ever-changing lives, we may not need to wait until we retire.

We must face the POOP we’ve accumulated. POOP that we’ve long forgotten in boxes. POOP that distracts us from productive work in our offices. POOP that takes room in the closet.  

Old Paperwork that Changes People’s Lives

Years ago, my speech communication students challenged me. “How can we learn to speak as well as you? You are a gifted speaker?” They were mostly professionals returning to school. “Thank you,” I replied feeling blissfully complimented. “I was not always as gifted as you give me credit for.” They didn’t believe me. I recall how poor a speaker I was as a student at the university. I saved my professors’ grades and remarks. Cs and Ds at the top. Comments throughout including—monotone, reads too much, no eye contact.

I brought these papers to class and arranged them on a 4 by 8-foot table in front of the lecture hall. I invited students to look at them before the break and take what they wanted. They took everything.

They were surprised. The proof was there. They were inspired. It was possible to become accomplished speakers in their fields.

Piles of overwhelming paperwork stored in box

Illusions of Grandeur

As a nine-book author with two best sellers, I saved my old notes thinking that one day people will be interested in how Brenda writes books. My old notes would be auctioned off to raise money for a worthy cause.

Over the years, I held tight to this illusion. As the years passed, I came to the humble realization that I was not famous enough. Only a few friends and colleagues were interested in my book-writing process.

While I reviewed my long and arduous journey—overnight successes usually take years—I reflected on how much work it really takes to be successful book author.

Be Careful When You Look in the Rearview Mirror

The road of life quickly unfolds before us. If we take too long to see what’s behind us, we may run into an obstacle. I tend to visit my past in bits and pieces. I always learn something. While these lessons can be gut-wrenchingly painful; especially, when I do something stupid, I rarely feel regret. After all, I am learning and applying lessons as I go along in life. 

As this unpredictable year comes to a close, you too can feel accomplished by decluttering and freeing space while you reflect on your piles of paperwork.

Gift Cards Help Clear the Clutter at Christmastime

Christmas is a wonderful time of year…for clutter. What?

The giving and getting of gifts can be a blessing and a curse. It can be stressful (mental clutter) for both the giver and the getter. Did you find the perfect gift? Or end up with meaningless tchotchke (physical clutter)? That depends.

How well do you know each other? Their likes and dislikes? Have they made a specific request? How much time do you have to choose? The variables are endless.

When Christmas is over, do they like their gift? Or is it stored away in hiding until you visit?

Are you unintentionally making that person ask Magic Question #1: If I lost this item in a disaster, would I take time to replace it?

Gift cards are often considered an impersonal and thoughtless gift. Something you grab at the store so as not arrive empty handed at the family gathering or meeting with friends.

I take the opposite view; it is the ultimate personal gift BECAUSE the recipient can get EXACTLY what they want!

The benefit is a lack of clutter after Christmas for your friends and/or family. No mental clutter (guilt) for the recipient over what to do with the gift (tchotchke) since they chose it with their gift card. No physical clutter as it takes up no real space since it is small (gift card). Win-win.

Consider giving a gift card this year for clutter clarity at Christmastime.

Treasured Books in a bookcase with glass doors

Treasured Books to Declutter

Years ago, I wanted to reduce my library of books by 75%. I wanted to keep only those books that would guide me along my life’s journey. (I read mainly nonfiction.) Some treasured books I’ve kept in a separate bookcase with glass doors to protect them.

Times are different, today. The way we relate is different. I am different.

Today, we are exposed to an overwhelming amount of information. Fifty years ago, if we wanted to know something, we’d find it in an encyclopedia or wait for the library to open to ask the librarian. According to some sources, NINETY percent (90%) of the world’s information across all time has been produced in the last two years. That’s a LOT of information!

I decided I would read my books once more and then give most of them away. They no longer carry the instructive weight they once did. I feel anxious while reading some with dated expressions and examples. Others carry eye-opening tidbits that I relish or missed earlier. Sometimes, we’re not yet ready to absorb something that time helps us better understand. Some of these can nurture pivotal moments in our lives.

With that much information readily available, and my desire to reduce possessions even more, I am letting them go. The authors have expressed their ideas. Times keep changing. I will capture the nuggets that matter most by taking notes. I will then return these resources to the stream of life for others to catch.

What about you?

Deer Santa

What do you do with worn-out Christmas decorations? The standard choices of keep, toss, or donate do not necessarily apply, especially if you are attached to an item for sentimental reasons. Ask yourself if you have Christmas clutter.

I have wire frame light up deer in my Christmas yard display that are certainly worn out. Over the years the lights have been replaced, but the frames themselves are looking rough in the daylight. But since the point is to show them at night, who cares?

That is the question I am asking myself this year. What to do?

My dad joke voice says ask Santa, “Deer Santa, my Christmas decorations are worn out. I don’t have the doe to replace them, they cost more than a buck.” My pragmatic voice says, “This is Christmas clutter.”

The worn-out decorations will take away from the overall display when it is completed. I have plenty of pictures and memories of my deer decorations.

Real world solution? Let them go.

Prime Rib for Thanksgiving - Miguel Mayorga photo STUFF101

Clutter–It’s All in Your Head

That’s a rather bold statement! Yet, when you think about it, our relationship with clutter—physical, mental, and more begins in our mind. It’s up to us to choose what we want to believe and do.

The holidays are about food. For Thanksgiving, we’re focused on turkeys and other bountiful dishes that show our creative talents in the kitchen. Okay, maybe that’s pushing it a bit too far for some. Last year, I wanted to introduce my friends to a traditional Thanksgiving with homemade stuffed turkey, cranberry sauce, potatoes, and more. Eric’s family joined us and we made sure to have traditional American Thanksgiving fare. This year, I learned that one my friends really doesn’t care for turkey. It’s a good thing I didn’t find a turducken.  Turducken, according to some, is a Creole creation of chicKEN, stuffed inside a DUCk, stuffed inside a TURkey.

Prime Rib for Thanksgiving - Miguel Mayorga photo STUFF101

We created our own Thanksgiving meal with a delectable chicken dish prepared in a special sauce made with blended sour cream, milk, and poblano chilis with garlic and onions fried in butter dotted with diced poblano chilis; roasted ribeye with garlic cloves painstakingly inserted in the meat; confetti-mashed potatoes—my creation of steamed buttery potatoes mashed with minced garlic, green onions, rosemary, salt, and a bit of broth with dots of sweet potato mixed in); and steamed broccoli. We thought about making a ham, too. Why overdo it? We had more than enough.

CLUTTER Is in My Mind

Through last year, I’d start each holiday or other special-event meal wanting to try everything. Like a kid, I didn’t want to miss anything and even went back for second helpings. This seemed to work in my younger days. The older I get the less I choose to eat. How fortunate we are to have enough food that we worry about gaining weight. It’s embarrassing when we consider how many people go hungry.

Appetizers for Thanksgiving - STUFFology101

This year, I’ve been more aware of my habits. With non-judgmental cooking partners, who didn’t chastise me for nibbling—If you eat all that now, you won’t have room for dinner! —I was able to sample bits of dinner before we actually sat down to eat our Thanksgiving meal.

I prefer to nibble instead of sitting down to a big meal. When it was time for dinner, I grabbed a small salad bowl and savored the food I chose. I did not return for a second helping. but did set aside some leftovers.

I took a two-mile walk afterward.

I had a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. One, to have good food to eat in a manner that is best for me. Two, to share with people who give me space to be. Three, to be healthy enough despite an injury, to be able to walk outdoors.

Junk Mail of the Mind

Mental clutter can be present in mysterious ways. For me, receiving junk mail addressed to my dad unleashes a flood of memories. He died in November of 2016. When I see junk mail for him, it is like picking an emotional scab.


How do I get my mind out of the clutter?

Regarding the junk mail (physical clutter), I contact the sender through the return envelope, phone number, or website to alert them to stop sending mail. Be patient, this takes time. Then shred or recycle the actual mail.

Regarding the mental clutter, I focus on good memories of my dad. To clear my head, I will talk to my wife or daughters, sharing a specific event about my dad that only I know. This has the dual benefit of further processing his loss for me and bringing my family closer to my dad with a usually humorous memory.

Get that junk mail out of your house and your mind.

Cluttered Garage - ER

Constant Clutter Conspiring to Constrict Your Life?

Help is on the way!  During this COVID-19 period of limiting travel and social contacts, STUFFology 101, co-author, Eric Riddle and I met to discuss reinstituting regular STUFFology 101 decluttering tips to help you while we’re all spending more time at home.

With all this time, we have the cleanest homes, right?


Cluttered Garage - ER


While we try to set a good example as STUFFologists, we’ve also been dealing with our mental and physical clutter, while balancing the temporal cluttergory of our lives.

Months from now, WILL WE regret wasting away our days and weeks, not having used this valuable time to get things done?

Why have regret, when we can take steps, starting now?

Eric and I will post short digestible tips each Monday at 8:00AM PST.  Visit us for real-life tips you can apply to the cluttergories in your life.

We invite you to join and engage with us by sharing your own experiences.

Together we will get our minds out of the clutter.