Treasured Books to Declutter
Years ago, I wanted to reduce my library of books by 75%. I wanted to keep only those books that would guide me along my life’s journey. (I read mainly nonfiction.) Some treasured books I’ve kept in a separate bookcase with glass doors to protect them.

Times are different, today. The way we relate is different. I am different.
Today, we are exposed to an overwhelming amount of information. Fifty years ago, if we wanted to know something, we’d find it in an encyclopedia or wait for the library to open to ask the librarian. According to some sources, NINETY percent (90%) of the world’s information across all time has been produced in the last two years. That’s a LOT of information!
I decided I would read my books once more and then give most of them away. They no longer carry the instructive weight they once did. I feel anxious while reading some with dated expressions and examples. Others carry eye-opening tidbits that I relish or missed earlier. Sometimes, we’re not yet ready to absorb something that time helps us better understand. Some of these can nurture pivotal moments in our lives.
With that much information readily available, and my desire to reduce possessions even more, I am letting them go. The authors have expressed their ideas. Times keep changing. I will capture the nuggets that matter most by taking notes. I will then return these resources to the stream of life for others to catch.
What about you?