Technology Helps Locate Keys Amidst the Clutter

Have you ever lost or at least misplaced your keys? A lost & found survey asked people which items they misplace at least one a week. Keys were one of the most common items at 28%!

Clutter compounds such annoyances as misplaced keys because there is more STUFF to search through as one looks for them, or other missing item.

Fortunately, technology can help find those misplaced items. Since I am one of those people gifted with the ability to misplace my keys with annoying frequency, my daughter gifted me a product called Tile.

It is essentially a small square key fob you attach to your key chain. It functions through an app that you download to your smartphone, allowing you to search for the key fob via Bluetooth.

The Tile key fob makes an audible sound that helps you locate your misplaced keys. Surprisingly quick and easy to set up, I have not misplaced my keys again. Tile even offers helpful tips on how to find lost keys. Bonus, the button on the Tile key fob can be pressed to help you locate your phone if it gets misplaced.

Tile has some additional products and features to help you find other items large and small.

Pretty cool way to locate misplaced items with ease amidst your clutter.