STUFFology 101 Featured on Redfin!

Don’t miss the recent Redfin article STUFFology 101 was featured in:

“11 Ways to Declutter and Organize Your Home Office to Promote Productivity”

Since the start of March 2020, many of us that made the daily commute into work were forced to transition to working from home. If you’re still working from home a year later chances are your workspace has become messy and cluttered with paperwork, bills, and mail. It’s next to impossible to be productive in an office taken over by clutter. Not only do you feel distracted and stressed, but sometimes you can’t even find paperwork when you really need it. But with a little guidance, you can transform your cluttered nightmare of an office into a functional workspace.

Redfin asked us (STUFFologists Brenda Avadian and Eric Riddle), along with other experts from New York, NY to Sacramento, CA, to share our best tips and tricks on how to declutter and organize your home office so you can be back to feeling productive in no time. Check out what we had to say!

11 Ways to Declutter and Organize Your Home Office to Promote Productivity