
S.T.U.F.F. is an easy to remember acronym to get your mind out of the clutter.

  1. Start by defining what clutter is for you, then…
  2. Trust in the process and yourself to de-clutter.
  3. Understand that clutter builds up over time and its removal is a process not an event.
  4. Focus your efforts in order to…
  5. Finish

Understand Your Clutter

Clutter builds up over time. We use the acronym S.T.U.F.F. to help deal with that clutter. Today I’ll discus the ‘U’ in S.T.U.F.F., which is UNDERSTAND. One definition I like for our acronym in STUFFology 101: Get Your Mind out of the Clutter is “to know how (something) works or happens.” In other words, how […]


UNDERSTAND is the ‘U‘ in S.T.U.F.F., define what clutter is for you. Understanding why various items are in your home will help you de-clutter. Do you have memories and emotions associated with something? Do you really need that item? Oftentimes, these memories and emotions produce obstacles to getting one’s mind out of the clutter. Only […]


TRUST is the ‘T‘ in S.T.U.F.F., and is the most important component of the de-cluttering process. Trust in yourself, things will work out after you have started in just ONE area removing clutter. Clutter builds up over time; Clutter removal is a process not an event. For more information, review the BONUS STUFFologist’s Guide of (click […]

START with S.T.U.F.F.

START is the ‘S‘ in S.T.U.F.F., an acronym we created to help you get your mind out of the clutter. What can be the hardest thing to do when we want to de-clutter the house for Thanksgiving? Starting to do it! A sense of overwhelm creeps in, there is so much to do, and nothing […]