
For an organized look at clutter, we divided the categories of clutter as follows. We call these cluttergories.

  1. Physical CluttergoriesPhysical Physical clutter is stuff that gets in the way; material things that block our path, or that we trip over.
  2. Mental CluttergoriesMental Mental clutter includes thoughts, worries, emotions, and regrets that distract and drain us.
  3. Digital CluttergoriesDigital Digital clutter refers to anything in virtual form—such as photos stored in our computers, a backlog of emails, or too many social media accounts.
  4. Temporal CluttergoriesTemporalTemporal clutter is when we fill our days with so many activities we can’t focus on any one. People who say they’re too busy are often suffering from temporal clutter.
  5. Sensual CluttergoriesSensualSensual clutter is when we fill our lives with too much of anything that affects our senses—noise, touch, scents, tastes, sights.

What are some of the cluttergories in your life?

Mental Clutter - STUFFology101 graphic

Say It! Say What Bothers You and Let Go of Mental Clutter

Release mental clutter by sharing with those who matter in your life; otherwise, you’ll grow toxicity in your life. Books can help.

Clutter Disrupts Routine

I find comfort in the routine of daily life. But the cluttergories of life can easily disrupt your routine. What do I mean by that? Simply that physical, mental, and/or temporal clutter often disrupt our everyday routine and weekly plans in both simple and profound ways. Consider Physical Clutter It can be an eyesore, a […]

Why Can't I Play Pool - Eric Riddle

Why can’t I play pool?

By Eric Riddle  I always wanted a pool table, probably because I had one growing up. Nothing fancy, just the cool factor. Thirty years later, my family has a game room with a dartboard, air hockey table, ski ball, pinball machine (now broken), and a pool table. We even have the same lamp that hung […]