START (again)

Does an area you like to keep clean and tidy suffer from clutter creep?

My home office desk area suffers from clutter creep as it is the repository for all household paperwork, and assorted other items. Even a dedicated STUFFologist has a hard time keeping it free of clutter!
I share this because I like to keep it neat and tidy as much as possible. When it accumulates like this, I define that as physical clutter in my living space. If I let it pile up, it becomes mental clutter weighing me down!

Often we forget to take our own advice when we get busy with life. I am no different. In the book we advise people to START small and ”…define clutter in one area at a time to avoid being overwhelmed.” It is time for me to START in my home office (again).

I also consider clutter removal to be an ongoing process, not an event. Don’t beat yourself up if clutter reappears. Take a deep breath and START again in that area.

Some stuff takes longer to complete than other stuff. Digital clutter is a hit or miss issue for me. The same advice applies to de-clutter what is weighing you down in the digital realm.

For example, we like to share the eBook version of STUFFology 101 on different social media platforms and book websites to help people get their minds out of the clutter. We recently STARTed to use a feature called BookShop from our eBook distributor as part of that sharing process. Once we have it finished, you’ll be able to purchase the eBook from multiple platforms (like iBooks) from one location. We will share that on the blog in News and Views when it is completed.

If clutter creep happens to you, remember to START small and focus on one area to avoid being overwhelmed. Doing so will get your mind out of the clutter.

FINISH with S.T.U.F.F.

FINISH is the final ‘F‘ in S.T.U.F.F., FINISH what you START.

Just like the Thanksgiving example from START, you wouldn’t leave the dishes everywhere after the meal. You would FINISH putting the food away and do the dishes.

The process of de-cluttering is the same, FINISH the area you started. With successful results, you can define another area of clutter that you will process within a reasonable period of time.

Think about it like Newton’s Second Law of Motion: A body in motion will remain in motion long enough to clear the clutter.

For more information, review the BONUS STUFFologist’s Guide of (click on): STUFFology 101 on


FOCUS is the ‘F‘ in S.T.U.F.F., FOCUS on doing ONE area at a time.

Don’t be tempted to work in too large of an area or in too many areas at once.

You want to be successful. If you focus on one area that takes an hour, your achievement will spur you forward to tackle the next area.

Finishing a small area is better than making partial progress on a larger one.

For more information, review the BONUS STUFFologist’s Guide of (click on): STUFFology 101 on


UNDERSTAND is the ‘U‘ in S.T.U.F.F., define what clutter is for you.

Understanding why various items are in your home will help you de-clutter. Do you have memories and emotions associated with something? Do you really need that item?

Oftentimes, these memories and emotions produce obstacles to getting one’s mind out of the clutter.

Only you know what is really important to you.  Take a hard look at each item, it may be easier to donate (or toss) that item than you think.

For more information, review the BONUS STUFFologist’s Guide of (click on): STUFFology 101 on


TRUST is the ‘T‘ in S.T.U.F.F., and is the most important component of the de-cluttering process.

Trust in yourself, things will work out after you have started in just ONE area removing clutter.

Clutter builds up over time; Clutter removal is a process not an event.

For more information, review the BONUS STUFFologist’s Guide of (click on): STUFFology 101 on


START with S.T.U.F.F.

START is the ‘S‘ in S.T.U.F.F., an acronym we created to help you get your mind out of the clutter.

What can be the hardest thing to do when we want to de-clutter the house for Thanksgiving? Starting to do it! A sense of overwhelm creeps in, there is so much to do, and nothing gets done.

Take a deep breath, pick ONE area to start in, and do it.

Simple? Maybe so, but starting in just one area will give you momentum to continue.

More details are in the BONUS STUFFologist’s Guide of (click on): STUFFology 101 on