Mental Clutter - STUFFology101 graphic

The Future of STUFFology 101

Like the magical butterfly that takes flight after emerging from a cocoon, STUFFology101 will be cocooning to find answers that have greater impact for a time.

Mental Clutter - STUFFology101 graphic

We NEED Your HELP – Please Read and Comment

We need YOUR ADVICE. After 14 months of blogging, what impact are we having? Shall we continue? What would you like us to change?

European-Space-Agency's animated illustration of space junk

Before we visit Mars, we need to clean up our mess at home.

Really? We think we’re ready to colonize Mars? We’re a mess! We can’t even clean our own clutter. We’re polluting space, we don’t pick up after ourselves…

Declare Your Independence from Clutter

July 4th is Independence Day in the United States. Using that as a theme, I challenge you to declare your independence from clutter. What does that mean? It means putting yourself on the path to clutter freedom! What that looks like is unique to you. But here are some suggestions for where to start. Physical […]

STUFFology 101 Featured on Redfin!

Don’t miss the recent Redfin article STUFFology 101 was featured in: “11 Ways to Declutter and Organize Your Home Office to Promote Productivity” Since the start of March 2020, many of us that made the daily commute into work were forced to transition to working from home. If you’re still working from home a year […]

Tomorrow is Too Late to Deal with Procrastination

Now that February 2021 is here have your New Year’s resolutions fallen by the wayside? Has procrastination reared its ugly head? Perhaps your goal of simplifying your life in 2021 has instead filled with continuing clutter. You are ‘too busy’ with work, family, and life to declutter. Being Busy Does Not Equal Being Productive   […]