2 Magic Questions

Sun's rays - Avadian photo

DON’T Fill the VOID—Embrace the Emptiness

We often rush to fill in the void after decluttering our lives. To grow on more solid footing, we need to steer clear of living in default mode.

Preparing Tamales in MEX 2006 - Brenda Avadian

Nostalgia—Fondness for Times Past

Some of us have a stronger need to hold onto or revisit the past than others. Why? One magic question we may ask may help us let go.

Gift Cards Help Clear the Clutter at Christmastime

Christmas is a wonderful time of year…for clutter. What? The giving and getting of gifts can be a blessing and a curse. It can be stressful (mental clutter) for both the giver and the getter. Did you find the perfect gift? Or end up with meaningless tchotchke (physical clutter)? That depends. How well do you […]

Tug of war with Magic Question 1

“I’m cheap,” said my friend as she pulled the empty bottle of shampoo out of the trash. “I can get another two shampoos out of this.” “No you’re not,” I replied. “You’re ecologically minded. You’re green!” I added. She smiled, unbelievingly. Raised by Depression-era parents, she also saved everything. You never know when you’ll need […]

Brownies for breakfast?

If you are trying to eat healthier, it is a good idea to remove junk food from your living space. Likewise if you are trying to live clutter free, you remove items from areas in the home that tend to be a dumping ground for your stuff (your clutter zones). Still, clutter tends to accumulate […]

Grand Piano_Avadian

To Master the Art of Decluttering, Ask Magic Question 2

The art of de-cluttering is similar to any other skill or talent worth developing. If you want to play better piano, you need to practice, Practice, PRACTICE. If you want to be a better basketball player, you need to shoot hoops and practice moves on the court. Whatever talent you wish to master, you need […]